Bachelor Born

Bachelor Born

Bachelor Born

Ian Hay

Bachelor Born

Bachelor Born

Ian Hay


Produced with great success in Mew York and London. Charles Donkin, the gray-haired master of Red House, Marbledown School, is an amiable misogamist who is the object of veneration and fate's whim when he has suddenly dumped upon him three mischievious young ladies and their aunt, who have some vague sentimental claim on the old fellow's affections. The girls liven up the boys' school considerably; as a matter of fact, they play havoc with their fresh youth and gaiety. Since Donkin has quietly let promotions, etc., pass him by, the girls make it their business to enlist the help of the boys and bring the situation to the notice of the proper people. There are troubles along the way when a crusty headmaster, who is hated by all the boys, tries, out of fatuous malice, to get old Donkin sacked. Villainous though he is, he is unsuccessful, and the outcome of the rebellion is a successful one. Highly recommended.



Ian Hay