The Day It Rained Forever

The Day It Rained Forever

Ray Bradbury

The Day It Rained Forever

The Day It Rained Forever

Ray Bradbury


An excellent characterization of three old men who are rocking away their lives on the porch of an empty hotel, situated in a desert miles from nowhere. Today is the one day of the year on which it has always rained, so today is one of unusual expectation for them. But as evening descends, the rain has not materialized. One man goes in to lie down and die, an another prepares to pack up and leave. At this point they hear a puffing old car, which finally sighs and expires outside their door. From it emerges a dandy large woman and a harp. She not only revitalizes the old fellows; but when she plays the harp, the rain comes in earnest.

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Ray Bradbury