Showtime at First Baptist

Showtime at First Baptist

Showtime at First Baptist

Showtime at First Baptist


The sequel to the hugely popular and widely produced First Baptist of Ivy Gap

First Baptist of Ivy Gap's 100th anniversary picnic was a smashing success, except for one little thing: the bolt of lightning that struck the church's steeple, igniting a fire that destroyed the sanctuary and so much more. In the wake of the disaster, key women of the church – led by Edith, the pastor's take-charge wife – gather in what's left (the fellowship hall) to commiserate and try to put things back together. To raise spirits and funds for rebuilding, the women plan an evening of entertainment designed to showcase the congregation's talent. Could it be that some of Edith's gang plan a song and dance number that may shock the congregation? If so, how will they circumvent the authority of the all-male conservative board of deacons, not to mention, one of their own? Change is in the air as these six diverse women challenge institutions as well as each other. Along the way, there are laughs to be shared, battles to be fought, love to be won, relationships to be mended, and losses to be grieved.

The play features music (in the form of hymns played on an organ or piano) as well as additional hymns and traditional music song by characters to advance the story, define character and entertain.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Genre: Faith-based
  • Time Period: 1970s
  • Cast Attributes: All Women, Ensemble cast, Multicultural casting, Strong Role for Leading Woman (Star Vehicle)
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences


Ron Osborne

Ron Osborne's plays - including the six full-length plays published by Samuel French - have been produced by hundreds of theatres throughout the U.S. and Canada as well as recognized in more than 90 national playwriting competitions. A number of monoloques from his plays appe ...
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