Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine

Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine

Julie Mandel, Jay Williams, Raymond Abrashkin

Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine

Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine

Julie Mandel, Jay Williams, Raymond Abrashkin


The adventures of young Danny Dunn. He and his friends use a computer to figure out tough assignments and book reports. But along comes Eddie, the snitcher, and the fur begins to fly. Danny and his friends discover what computers can and cannot do—and what man can do. Children are wild about this musical.

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  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras



Julie Mandel


Jay Williams

Raymond Abrashkin

Raymond Abrashkin (March 9, 1911 – August 25, 1960) was an American writer best known for writing, co-producing, and co-directing the acclaimed movie, The Little Fugitive, and for co-creating and co-authoring the highly successful Danny Dunn series of science fiction books fo ...
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