Does This Woman Have a Name?

Does This Woman Have a Name?

Does This Woman Have a Name?

Does This Woman Have a Name?

Does This Woman Have a Name?


Mel and Sarah have a lucrative enterprise. Mel writes and Sarah performs sexually explicit phone fantasies. Mel hopes her serious fiction will eventually sell. In the meantime, this pays the bills much to the consternation of her boyfriend. Mel's scripts become more and more literary, but Sarah's callers are not interested in metaphors. This amusing satire, a favorite with festival judges, does contain some strong language. Published inĀ Off-Off Broadway Festival Plays, 15th Series.

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Theresa Rebeck

Theresa Rebeck is a widely produced playwright throughout the United States and abroad. New York productions of her work include Dead Accounts at the Music Box Theatre; Seminar at the Golden Theatre; Mauritius at the Biltmore Theatre in a Manhattan Theater Club Production; Th ...

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