Tiny Alice

Tiny Alice

Tiny Alice

Tiny Alice

Tiny Alice


TINY ALICE begins with a venomous exchange between a lawyer and a cardinal whose contempt for each other careens back to their school days. Eventually, the lawyer offers the cardinal $100 million a year at the request of Miss Alice, the world's richest woman. Julian, the cardinal's secretary, is to come to Miss Alice's castle to complete the details, but while there, Julian falls prey to Miss Alice as she contrives to make him her lover. Through the related transmutations of religious ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure, Julian's true feelings are terrifyingly revealed, and the stage is set for the electrifying climax of this eloquent, compelling play.


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Edward Albee

Edward Albee (1928-2016) was born on March 12, 1928, and began writing plays 30 years later. His plays include The Zoo Story (1958), The American Dream (1960), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1961-62, Tony Award), Tiny Alice (1964), A Delicate Balance (1966, Pulitzer Prize a ...

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