Everywoman: A Modern Morality Play

Everywoman: A Modern Morality Play

Yvette Burnham

Everywoman: A Modern Morality Play

Everywoman: A Modern Morality Play

Yvette Burnham


Based on the story by an anonymous author, this adaptation features a woman who is not quite ready to leave her world and be held accountable for her life. A well-meaning messenger tries to no avail to wean her from the world to which she clings. She is visited by the remnants of her time on earth. Knowledge appears, then her husband, and finally, Good Deeds. Although she was a busy church-goer, Good Deeds reveals that in the midst of all her activities, she's overlooked God. Her life in eternity hangs in the balance. Will she realize where she went wrong in her life and atone for her sins?

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  • Genre: Faith-based
  • Cast Attributes: Strong Role for Leading Woman (Star Vehicle)
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior



Yvette Burnham