Babies Having Babies

Babies Having Babies

by Kathryn Montgomery & Jeffrey Auerbach

Babies Having Babies

Babies Having Babies

by Kathryn Montgomery & Jeffrey Auerbach


No other script for young adults has generated such enthusiastic response, both from the critics and the audience, as Babies Having Babies, the multi-award winning CBS Schoolbreak Special on the important topic of teen pregnancy.

Concord Theatricals proudly offers this quality script to young adult performers and producers of theatre for teens. Babies Having Babies is a frank, sensitive, humorous play, always honest in its treatment of the topic and the young women facing the prospect of an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy. This compelling comdey/drama will satisfy teen actresses with its honesty, openness and appreciation of the pressures young women face, frequently on their own, with little or no guidance from elders, and with little understanding, compassion or thoughtfulness from their peers. These are real people, each one with her own aspirations and plans for the future, a future which may or may not be dimmed by an unplanned pregnancy. But these young women oppose fear and condemnation with a wary courage, searching for the realization and the strength to face the future on their own terms.

With strong, winning parts in a powerful and entertaining play, Babies Having Babies presents a welcome challenge for all high schools who want honest, upfront, high-quality material.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Present Day, 1980s
  • Cast Attributes: Role(s) for Black Actor(s), Roles for Teens
  • Target Audience: Adult, Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Kathryn Montgomery


Jeffrey Auerbach