On the Open Road

On the Open Road

Steve Tesich

On the Open Road

On the Open Road

Steve Tesich


While fleeing a civil war, Al comes across Angel trussed up and waiting to be hung. Al is pulling a cart loaded with art treasures he has salvaged from bombed out churches and museums. He hopes to barter his way into The Land of the Free with them, but the cart has become too heavy for Al to pull. He rescues the brutish Angel to help. On the open road Al teaches Angel about literature, music and art history so that he will make a good citizen. When they reach the border, they are told they must execute a troublemaker named Jesus Christ to earn their freedom. He has been severely tortured and is catatonic, though he can still play the cello beautifully. Angel and Al are unable to do the deed so the monk in charge takes care of it and has them crucified.

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  • Caution Smoking Smoking



Steve Tesich