Barbra's Wedding

Barbra's Wedding

Daniel Stern

Barbra's Wedding

Barbra's Wedding

Daniel Stern


Jerry and Molly Schiff are the only non-celebrities in their Malibu neighborhood; in fact, their shabby beachfront ranch is next to Barbra Striesand's mansion. As the play opens, Jerry is working himself into a frenzy over the media circus surrounding their famous neighbor's 1998 wedding. Limos are clogging the streets, helicopters hover noisily overhead and news crews are broadcasting from their front lawn. Jerry, an out of work television actor whose only claim to fame was a small role as a wacky neighbor in a sitcom, is reminded by all of the commotion of his own obscurity he wasn't even invited to the wedding! He rages against Streisand, Hollywood, the media, his wife and anything else that comes to mind. An argument escalates into a full blown fight with his wife that threatens to wreck their marriage; she'd leave if only Arnold Schwartzennegger's Humvee wasn't blocking the driveway. This anti show business comedy by a Hollywood insider is a hilarious send up with a happy ending.

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Daniel Stern