Pomp and Circumstances

Pomp and Circumstances

Tom Erhard

Pomp and Circumstances

Pomp and Circumstances

Tom Erhard


A yarn-spinning janitor is the stage manager, and he directs the cast members in the setting and re-setting of the few tables and chairs that comprise the simple set - no scenery is required. At the center of the story is Lorraine, forbidden by her mother to see her divorced father ever again, forced to face the uncertainty of her life after high school. As the school year nears its end, and the pressures mount, Lorraine, who is to play a major role in the commencement ceremony, runs away. In the end, it is an eccentric math teacher who finally gets Lorraine to face her fears and return to the ceremony.

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  • Time Period: Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras
  • Target Audience: Adult, Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Tom Erhard