Spider Island

Spider Island

Joseph Spalding

Spider Island

Spider Island

Joseph Spalding


In an abandoned lighthouse off the New England coast live Abbie and Salem Mayo, two spinsters. Abbie is slightly pixilated and believes her dead brother is living in the lighthouse tower. Salem encourages her delusions. To this queer household comes Star Mayo and her friend, Pat Casey. They do not know of the two aunts, and the girls are soon plunged into a series of hair raising events. What was the Thing in the Tower? Why was Abbie afraid of the axe? Of what had Salem lived in fear for forty years? Six women---and an axe---have the power to chill the blood and raise hackles on the neck of the strongest man.


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  • Genre: Mystery/Thriller
  • Time Period: Contemporary, 1940s / WWII
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior



Joseph Spalding