Guest in the House

Guest in the House

Hagar Wilde, Dale Eunson

Guest in the House

Guest in the House

Hagar Wilde, Dale Eunson


In this Broadway success, Mr. Proctor is an illustrator who works successfully with his pretty, wise cracking model. Mrs. Proctor is a good housewife and mother and their little daughter is a healthy youngster who adds to their enjoyment. Evelyn, Mrs. Proctor's young, sweet faced cousin who suffers from a heart ailment arrives to upset their world. She appeals to everyone's protective instincts, but it is soon apparent that she is selfish, conniving and cruel. She causes the model to desert, sends the servants away in a rage, causes a rift between the Proctors and even turns the daughter into a hypochondriac. When the family discovers her true nature and decides to send her away, Evelyn runs to the minister with a disgraceful story about Proctor. This brings scandal, reporters and a grim determination in the mind of one character to disposed of Evelyn.


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Hagar Wilde


Dale Eunson