Two to Go

Two to Go

Molly Gettys Bass

Two to Go

Two to Go

Molly Gettys Bass


Two One Act Plays for Teens, Designed for Full Length Production

The Teen Age (4m / 4f) A typical day in the lives of eight teenagers, with the usual concerns and worries. School, football games, parties, fear of being unpopular, fear of being different, the constant temptation to experiment, either with drugs, alcohol, or sex. Molly Gettys Bass has taken all these and fashioned them into a one-act play of rare imagination and insight, and above all, good-natured humor. Winner of the 1986 Scholastic Writing Award for a dramatic script, produced at New York's American Place Theatre, The Teen Age will speak clearly to all those students who look at the turmoil about them and wonder, "But is it me?" An important play, a well- crafted play, but most of all, a light-hearted play that speaks from and to the heart.

Two Small Fries to Go (3m / 5f / extras) If you're not one of the "in" crowd, and you're not a jock, or a nerd -- where do you fit in? That's the question facing teenagers in Two Small Fries To Go. On their way to a summer vacation, two girls and two boys respectively plan their strategies for success with the opposite sex -- but for them, the games and rules that usually apply don't seem to work. One pair keeps trying; the other abandons the "game" as a bad bet, and decides to try being themselves, and find it works better and is far more rewarding. A wonderfully whimsical look at the terror and despair common to teenagers everywhere.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Contemporary, Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: Ensemble cast, Roles for Teens, Flexible cast size, Room for Extras
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Molly Gettys Bass