The Pregnant Pause or Love's Labor Lost

The Pregnant Pause or Love's Labor Lost

The Pregnant Pause or Love's Labor Lost

Norman R. Shapiro, Georges Feydeau

The Pregnant Pause or Love's Labor Lost

The Pregnant Pause or Love's Labor Lost

Norman R. Shapiro, Georges Feydeau


Hector Ennepeque, first time father to be, is in extended labor and protracted comic convulsions over his wife Leonie's imminent delivery. Before the baby's arrival, this hilarious farce gives birth to multiple comic harangues aimed at the helpless husband. When Hector tries to rebound from the recriminations of his aristocratic in laws, he is swatted aside by an Amazon midwife who takes charge. Here is a brilliant tableau of conjugal chaos by the master of the genre.

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Norman R. Shapiro

Georges Feydeau

Georges Feydeau (1862-1921) was born in France to a well-known Parisian writer. He was influenced from a young age by prominent farcical authors such as Eugène Labiche and Henri Meilhac. His first significant international success, The Lady from Maxim's (La Dame de chez Maxim ...
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