Rockin' on the Milky Way

Rockin' on the Milky Way

Jean Lenox Toddie

Rockin' on the Milky Way

Rockin' on the Milky Way

Jean Lenox Toddie


This collection of plays be internationally known playwright, Jean Lenox Toddie, treats the audience to an evening of comedy and drama celebrating life, love, and the tangled relationships of lovers and families. A rocking chair sits center stage in each play. Ten colorful characters range from a middle-aged woman sitting in the Florida Everglades with a shot gun, a charming male poet, a lovely young mute singing her own soundless song, and a quirky old lady booted out of heaven for bad behavior.


Want to perform this show?


  • Genre: Not Applicable
  • Time Period: Present Day, 1950s, 1940s / WWII
  • Cast Attributes: Reduced casting (Doubling Possible)
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Jean Lenox Toddie