All the Better to Kill You With

Full-Length Play, Comedy  /  2w, 5m

Fred Carmichael

"Gripping entertainment...plays a number of interesting variations on the theme." - Vermont Herald

"The secret of Carmichael's playwriting lies not so much in who done it, but will they be caught. This dexterous interweaving of truth and …

All the Better to Kill You With

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    2w, 5m
  • SubGenre


Ho-hum. Another love triangle causes another murder. But in the hands of author Fred Carmichael, All the Better to Kill You With, the age-old story becomes a tale of intrigue and jealousy, an intricate interweaving of truth and deception. The audience sees everything, so the question is not "whodunit," so to speak, but rather will the murderer be found out.
ALL THE BETTER TO KILL YOU WITH was first presented at the Dorset Playhouse in Dorset, Vermont by the Caravan Theatre Summer Stock Company on August 24, 1967.
EVELYN HOPKINS - a woman in her forties, she is attractive, but somehow is a cold-seeming person. At heart, she is a well-intentioned friend and has a keen sense of humor with a hard surface covering it.
ERICA TRAVERS - somewhat younger than Evelyn, she has a warmer personality. She is not what would be called a beautiful woman, but her personality and healthy outlook on life make her appear so. An active sportswoman, she has a rangy, tailored quality that giver her a constantly alert appearance.
RUSSELL LIVINGSTON - slightly older than Erica, he is a successful businessman and an active athlete. He has retained a sense of humor towards life and himself and has a distinctly appealing and attractive air about him.
DOUGLAS TRAVERS - a little older than Erica, he is past his prime but is still a vibrant and alertly attractive man. Although usually exceedingly pleasant, he has a temper and his quicksilver moods leave one never sure what he will do next.
PAUL TRAVERS - younger than his brother, he is very good-looking in a weak way which often appeals to women. He has an outward conceit and an inward weakness with a certain distrustful trait that shows through at times. He knows his good points and capitalizes on them.
CHIEF INSPECTOR HENDERSON - a middle-aged man, quiet and competent, he has a wry sense of humor. He is methodical and thorough in everything he does and is constantly mentally alert, although it doesn't always show. His eyes and ears take in everything and nothing will hurry him in the performance of his job.
ROGER PARKINS - a young man in his twenties, he is on his first major case and his excitement is apparent. He has great respect for his superior and is intensely interested in everything that goes on. His overzealous attitude will lead him to go headlong into things without yet having thought them through.
  • Time Period Present Day
  • Setting The Travers' winter home close to a New England ski area. February. The present.
  • Features Contemporary Costumes / Street Clothes


"Gripping entertainment...plays a number of interesting variations on the theme." - Vermont Herald

"The secret of Carmichael's playwriting lies not so much in who done it, but will they be caught. This dexterous interweaving of truth and falsehood produces a tapestry of tension. The carefully planned deception almost works, until truth rears its head and a brilliant structure of cunning topples. This is the fascinating planning, execution, and final failure of a murder plot played openly and fully for the audience from beginning to end. The result is high tension and good dramatic excitement. The play has two streams running simultaneously; the highly emotional probing about a disintegrating marriage, and the highly intellectual game of following concealment and discoveries of premeditated murder." - Bennington Banner

"Meticulous blending of mystery and humor." - Manchester Journal

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $110 per performance


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Fred Carmichael

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