A Closer Look

Short Play, Drama  /  5w

Here is a behind the scenes look at the host and crew of a daytime television talk show as they spar for position during a break between taping segments.

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  • Winner! Samuel French Off Off Broadway Festival



Here is a behind the scenes look at the host and crew of a daytime television talk show as they spar for position during a break between taping segments.

Published in Off Off Broadway Festival Plays, 26th Series.

 A Closer Look was first presented as part of Women@Work at Vital Theatre Company, under artistic director Stephen Sunderlin, in New York City in June 2002. It was directed by Sharon Fallon. The play was subsequently presented by Vital Theatre Company as part of the Samuel French Off Off Broadway Festival on August 12, 2002. It was also directed by Sharon Fallon.
Cast Attributes
DENISE - a hairdresser, probably still in her thirties
LAINIE - a dresser, probably forty
TISH - a talk show host, won't tell her age
AMANDA - a segment producer, definitely under thirty
BOBBI - a make-up artist, fifties
  • Setting Tish's dressing room in the studio where her talk show is taped.
  • Cautions
    • No Special Cautions

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $65 per performance


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Arlene Hutton

Arlene Hutton is a member of New Dramatists and a MacDowell Colony fellow. She is the author of Last Train to Nibroc (2000 New York Drama League Best Play nomination) and the Shaker drama As It Is In Heaven, both of which were selected for Smith & Kraus Best Women Playwrights ...
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