A Boy and His Ball

Short Play, Comedy  /  1w, 2m, 2any gender (youth)

David Rabinow

Boy can’t find his favorite toy – a ball – so he enlists the help of Bun-Bun and Mr. Slappy, former favorite toys of his, to locate the ball. The team discovers that Mother is using the ball to steal the soul of Kevin Kline and achieve world domination. Told in rhyming verse, the play presents the s…

A Boy and His Ball

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 2m, 2any gender (youth)


Boy can’t find his favorite toy – a ball – so he enlists the help of Bun-Bun and Mr. Slappy, former favorite toys of his, to locate the ball. The team discovers that Mother is using the ball to steal the soul of Kevin Kline and achieve world domination. Told in rhyming verse, the play presents the story of how Boy learns that teamwork is more valuable than material possessions.
BOY - over two-and-a-half years old, and quite bright; clad in red "feetsie" pajamas, complete with trapdoor
MOTHER - his mother, dressed in a motherly way, waring a purple shawl
BUN-BUN - stuffed blue rabbit, once much-loved, in battered co

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $65 per performance


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David Rabinow

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