This Little Piggy...

Short Play, Comedy  /  4girl(s), 2boy(s), 9any gender (youth)

"If you see any birthday parties today, let me know. It might be mine," moans the despondent piggy Oinkie to her friends, two hens and a rooster. It's her sixth birthday, but everyone including her mother, father, and brother and sister, Pigtail and Pigsty seems to have forgotten.

This Little Piggy...

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    4girl(s), 2boy(s), 9any gender (youth)
  • SubGenre
    Theatre for Young Audiences
  • Audience
    Target Audience
    Appropriate for all audiences, Children (Age 6 - 10)


"If you see any birthday parties today, let me know. It might be mine," moans the despondent piggy Oinkie to her friends, two hens and a rooster. It's her sixth birthday, but everyone  including her mother, father, and brother and sister, Pigtail and Pigsty seems to have forgotten. It's no wonder that she cries, "Wee, wee, wee," all the way home. And what about the "little piggy that went to the market," the one who "stayed home," and the ones who "had roast beef," and "had none?" They're all here, along with a human mother who relates the delightful and charming story to her young daughter who happens to be having her own surprise birthday party. In the end the parties of the pigs and persons merge in a cheerful and lively song and dance. Upbeat and enchanting!

Mommy (or Daddy if male), Rachel's parent
Rachel (or Ronnie if male), a small child

The Five Little Pigs:
Peggy Pig, momma pig, the most sensible
Henry Pig, daddy pig
Pigtail, female child pig
Pigsty, male (or female) child pig
Oinkie, female (or male) a pig the same age as Rachel

Ralph, a rooster
Gretchen, a hen
Henrietta, a hen

Joansie, or Johnny if male
Melissa, or Milton if male
Byron, or Babs if female

Dog, male (or female)
Cat, female (or male)
Other farm animals as desired

The names of some characters other than the pigs may be changed to reflect the gender or ethnic makeup of the cast. When the gender of any character is changed, be sure to alter all the related pronouns (“he” to “she,” etc.).

Because of their large number of lines, the roles of Rachel and Oinkie should be played by actors older than five years.

  • Additional Features No intermission
  • Cautions
    • No Special Cautions

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $65 per performance


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R. Eugene Jackson

In school Jackson wrote skits and full-length entertainments and, with friends, directed and performed in many of them. His drama professors at the University of Memphis urged him to focus on writing, which he did, creating and directing three plays for his thesis at Kent Sta ...
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