Arthur Makes a Difference

Short Play, Comedy  /  3w, 3m

Kathy Friederici

Commissioned by the Insurance Corporation of British Columnbia as part of their acclaimed CounterAttack program, this easy to produce, fun to do little play also carries with it a potent message. Arthur, a high school boy, is subject-- like all high school kids-- to intense peer pressures, mostly to…

Arthur Makes a Difference

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    3w, 3m


Commissioned by the Insurance Corporation of British Columnbia as part of their acclaimed CounterAttack program, this easy to produce, fun to do little play also carries with it a potent message. Arthur, a high school boy, is subject-- like all high school kids-- to intense peer pressures, mostly to do things which are not, shall we say, healthy. But, unlike so many kids nowadays, who so easily succumb, Arthur is not afraid to take a stand. He says NO to smoking, NO to partying, NO to drinking. He won't let any friend drive home drunk. He works to educate people about the importance of using seat belts. And, he starts a CounterAttack club in his high school. Amusingly, without being at all heavy handed in its proselytizing, Arthur Makes A Difference effectively dramatizes how kids can take control of their moral lives-- if they just say "NO".

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $65 per performance


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Kathy Friederici

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