The Boob

Short Play, Dramatic Comedy  /  1w, 1m

An employer of a young governess decides to play a joke on his newly hired girl. On the governess' first play day, the employer of JuliaVasilenova pretends to whittle away at her salary for no work on Sundays, Days off for holidays, for his son, Kolya, tearing his jacket while she watched him, for …

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 1m
  • SubGenre
    Adaptations (Literature)


An employer of a young governess decides to play a joke on his newly hired girl. On the governess' first play day, the employer of JuliaVasilenova pretends to whittle away at her salary for no work on Sundays, Days off for holidays, for his son, Kolya, tearing his jacket while she watched him, for his daughter, Varya, losing her gloves when Julia took her sledding, even for breaking a dinner plate. All these deductions lower Julia's play to a pittance. Finally, when she is ready to accept the meager pay, the employer calls her a boob for allowing herself to be swindled by him. When Julia is asked to speak her mind about why she is so reluctant to stand up for herself, the employer discovers the real Julia Vasilevnova.
THE EMPLOYER - a man in his late forties
JULIA VASILEVNOVA - a governess in her twenties

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: $55 per performance
    $90 with other plays in collection


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Jules Tasca

Through I.U.P., Jules Tasca has taught playwrighting at Oxford University in England and he has performed with a commedia dell’arte group in Central Italy. He is the author of over 125 (full-length and one-act) published plays that have been produced in numerous national thea ...

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