Seduction Duet

Seduction Duet

Seduction Duet

M.H. Appleman

Seduction Duet

Seduction Duet

M.H. Appleman


Two insecure singles hilariously try to join the sexual revolution. Cynthia, a computer operator, returns home from an office party with Matt, an accountant. They discover mutual interests from saving dolphins, to conversation and reading - about butterflies, overpopulation and sex. In a wild dance seduction scene - when tequila and Mexican music take over - sparks fly. In one surprising turn about after another, they reveal schemes, touching secrets and tender emotions, which lead to a charming conclusion.

Published in Off Off Broadway Festival Plays, 6th Series.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Time Period: 1980s
  • Cast Attributes: Not Applicable
  • Target Audience: Adult



M.H. Appleman