




In this breezy "NASComedy" the fast lane is stalled to a screeching halt by the arrival of a woman driver on the NASCAR scene, and egos get bruised as Holly "Legs" Nelson starts stealing the show, driving so fast some think she's cheating. Her rival, Hotshot, wants to sabotage her success, which results in a fast-paced story of NASCAR drivers and their kooky fans, all in pursuit of high-octane glory. And for the sexism of these chauvinist drivers? Well, they're all played by women!

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  • Time Period: Contemporary, Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: All Women, Reduced casting (Doubling Possible), Expandable casting


Janet Allard

Janet Allard’s plays include: Vrooommm! A NAScomedy (Signature Theater commission), Incognito (Guthrie commission), Loyal (Guthrie and Children’s Theatre Company joint commission), The Unknown: a silent musical (awarded Jonathan Larson Fellowship), and Untold Crimes of Insomn ...
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