The Wise Men and the Elephant

The Wise Men and the Elephant

Cleve Haubold, James Hitt

The Wise Men and the Elephant

The Wise Men and the Elephant

Cleve Haubold, James Hitt


Five foolish members of the Elephant Scholars of the World heatedly argue the nature of the elephant, which they have never seen. In a hilarious scramble, they head for India to prove their arguments. At an ancient temple where, helped by a mischievous parrot, a kindly native peddler and his son, they go from bewilderment and befuddlement to a chaotic comic climax which puts a delightful new ending to a favorite old legend. A musical score by James Hitt includes an opportunity for dances by the jungle animals.


Want to perform this show?


  • Genre: Theatre for Young Audiences
  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras
  • Target Audience: Children (Age 6 - 10)



Cleve Haubold


James Hitt