Maggie Magalita

Maggie Magalita

Maggie Magalita

Maggie Magalita


A 14 year old Hispanic immigrant who lives with her working mother in a New York City studio apartment, Maggie is trying hard to blend into the American lifestyle and she's succeeding. But she's also forgetting the beauty and pride of her heritage. Now that she has an American boyfriend, she wants to have even less to do with her native culture. Grandmother comes from the old country and upsets Maggie's plans: she can't speak English, can't dress American, can't cook American. She just can't blend! When Maggie's American boyfriend comes over for what turns out to be a very non American dinner, Maggie begins to understand something very precious: herself. This winner of the Sharfman Competition at Kennedy Center is perfect for high school productions.

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Wendy Kesselman

Besides her Tony-nominated adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank, Wendy Kesselman’s plays include The Executioner’s Daughter; The Notebook; The Foggy Foggy Dew; The Last Bridge; I Love You, I Love You Not; Maggie Magalita; Merry-Go-Round; The Shell Collection; My Sister in Th ...

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