Last Exit Before Toll

Last Exit Before Toll

Last Exit Before Toll

Carrie Goldstein

Last Exit Before Toll

Last Exit Before Toll

Carrie Goldstein


This scatterbrain skit gets more and more credible as it goes along. A woman can't pay the toll so she leaves her baby with the toll taker as security and claims she will pick up the child when she comes back to pay. Something comes up so she says she'll have her husband get the baby tomorrow on his way home from work. The husband forgets, takes a different bridge home and the baby remains at the toll booth. Then, she can't get the child because she has just had another baby. On and on it goes until the toll taker retires and no longer knows where the baby, now grown, is.

Published in Off Off Broadway Plays, 18th Series.

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Carrie Goldstein