


Unsany Lord



Unsany Lord


Into the ordinary and comfortable lives led by John and Mary Beal comes a Persian rug merchant whom John befriended to the extent of fifty pounds when he was down and out. And in return for this favor the rug merchant gives John a crystal which has the power to take its owner back to the point in his life which he would like to have I changed. John accepts the crystal and wants to take himself back ten years at which time he was kept from taking a train by a station attendant. He goes back to that I time and lives through the next ten years in exotic Persia where he is brought by a series of strange occurrences connected with a girl he met on the train he caught. He becomes the ruler of a group of people, and he so changes their crude life to conform to his English ideas that they are all unhappy and revolt. He escapes back to England where he is forced to beg for a living. He comes to his own home and I just at the proper time he is brought back to the present day and his old humdrum life without his knowing anything about his experiences. This play offers numerous chances for interesting production methods and skillful playing.

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  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras



Unsany Lord


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