Night Sky

Night Sky

Night Sky

Night Sky


This extraordinary drama premiered to acclaim in a New York production directed by Joseph Chaikin. Night Sky theatrically explores what Steven Hawking has called the two mysteries remaining to us: the brain and the cosmos. When she is hit by a car, the brilliant and articulate astronomer Anna loses her ability to speak, a condition known as aphasia. What emerges from her mouth is a hodge-podge of unconnected words alternately confusing, funny, original and wise – and sometimes all four. In a series of brief, often comic episodes, the play follows Anna through her illness and ultimate acceptance of herself – a personal triumph, despite a continuing infirmity – and dramatizes the impact of her changed circumstances on her lover, her teenage daughter and her professional life.

Everyone will be touched by the themes this play considers – language, inner and outer space, the challenges of a devastating affliction, the consolations and ordeals of family life and, most of all, the universal hunger and need for communication.

The play has been extremely popular with audiences and has been translated into Spanish, Catalan, French, Hebrew and German.

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  • Time Period: Present Day
  • Cast Attributes: Ensemble cast, Expandable casting, Roles for Teens, Flexible cast size, Room for Extras, Strong Role for Leading Woman (Star Vehicle)
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14 - 18)


Susan Yankowitz

Susan Yankowitz is a playwright, novelist, lyricist and librettist. Among her plays are The Revenge, Phaedra in Delirium (winner of the QRL poetic play competition); Under The Skin, Terminal, and 1969 Terminal 1996, both pieces collaborations with Joseph Chaikin's Open Theatr ...
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