Creaking Chair

Creaking Chair

Rowland Pertwee, Allene Tupper Wilkes

Creaking Chair

Creaking Chair

Rowland Pertwee, Allene Tupper Wilkes


This play, which made an immense success at the Lyceum Theater, New York, was one of the most popular of the mystery plays of the season. It provides all the thrills necessary, and a very generous portion of good comedy. Set in an old English home, the sinister Egyptian evils resulting from foreign research among the tombs of the Pharaohs provide thrilling moments that come thick and fast throughout the play. The thrilling fate that overtook Lord Carnarvon, leading figure in the excavation of King Tut's tomb, is here made the basis of a really dramatic play.

Want to perform this show?


  • Genre: Farce, Mystery/Thriller



Rowland Pertwee


Allene Tupper Wilkes