The Theatre Of Tennessee Williams, Vol 7

The Theatre Of Tennessee Williams, Vol 7

The Theatre Of Tennessee Williams, Vol 7

The Theatre Of Tennessee Williams, Vol 7

The Theatre Of Tennessee Williams, Vol 7


The Frosted Glass Coffin
The Gnadiges Fraulein
I Can't Imagine Tomorrow
I Rise in Flame, Cried the Phoenix
In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel
Lifeboat Drill
The Mutilated
Now the Cats with Jewelled Claws
A Perfect Analysis Given by a Parrot
This is the Peaceable Kingdom


  • Target Audience: Adult


Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) explored passion with daring honesty and forged a poetic theatre of raw psychological insight that shattered conventional proprieties and transformed the American stage. The autobiographical The Glass Menagerie brought what Mr. Williams called “ ...
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