The Innocent

The Innocent

Albert Johnson

The Innocent

The Innocent

Albert Johnson


This suspense-filled treatment of the oft-told tale has been a favorite in hundreds of churches and schools throughout the English speaking world. Biblically inspired, it is imaginative with a gripping conflict that grows as much from the characters' problems as the tense situation: What do devoted parents of an adorable and special child do when faced with the prospect of having their baby slaughtered along with all babies two years old and younger? Such is the predicament for Joseph and Mary as children all around them are being slain, because of a rumor that one of the young sons born to the Jews is to be a king - an intolerable situation for a superstitious head of state like Herod.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Genre: Period, Faith-based
  • Time Period: Not Applicable
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior



Albert Johnson