A Father's Secret

A Father's Secret

Alexandra Paige Dennett

A Father's Secret

A Father's Secret

Alexandra Paige Dennett


What if your entire world is taken away from you, twice? Paige was seven when her parents died in a car accident, and ever since then one of their friends, Eddie, has taken care of her. He's a strict guardian, but she has an active life and good friends and generally enjoys a rather stable and happy existence. Then one day, eight years after Eddie took her to live with him, the police barge in and arrest him for kidnapping her. They inform her that her parents weren't dead when he took her away, and that her father is still alive. But Eddie has been her sole parent, and a good one, for the majority of her young life and Paige resists the ever-growing realization that the man she trusts most is not who she thought he was.

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Alexandra Paige Dennett