Red Letter Day

Red Letter Day

Red Letter Day

Red Letter Day


Gerald DeHaven is an imposing man of strong passion and determination. He has embezzled funds from his employer and, to avoid criminal prosecution, has promised to repay the money within two years. When his wife, Roselle discovers a date marked in red on his calendar, she becomes fearful that somehow that date spells her doom. Gerald has taken away her son, fired her faithful housekeeper, put bars on her windows, locked her door and convinced the neighbors that Roselle has gone mad. He plainly explains to his wife his simple plan: in order for him to collect on her insurance money, and pay off his debts, he needs her to commit suicide. And he has every confidence that she will, given time. Trapped, Roselle futilely pleads with her jailer, a turnkey from the madhouse, to set her free. Roselle manages to outwit her husband and his cruel sister, who in the end, become victims of their own greed.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Victorian (British and American)


Ray Hamby

Ray Hamby had his own theater, New Playes Company, in Baltimore. He produced new scripts including many of his own. He has written more that 30 full-length plays, more than 20 one-acts, plus short stories, children's plays, and 25 years of newspaper reporting. His plays ...
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