

Book by Don & Lynn Stallings
Music & Lyrics Eric Grant Bennett



Book by Don & Lynn Stallings
Music & Lyrics Eric Grant Bennett


This award-winning teen show is a dynamic, contemporary musical addressing important subject of bullying. Advocating non-violent conflict resolution with humor and vitality, Masquerade is a powerful catalyst for in-depth discussions in schools. Following two siblings who move to a new school in the middle of the year, the musical explores their desperate efforts to fit in. Everyone can relate!

After starting at a new school, siblings Jamie and Corri have hilarious and sometimes powerful encounters with the typical school cliques: the popular "Diva Girls," the "Intellectually Supreme," and the "School Bully." During the course of the day, tough guy Erik challenges Jamie to an afterschool fight. Jamie tries to avoid the fight, and Erik even has second thoughts and wants to pull out, but doesn't know how to do that without looking like a wimp. Despite their reservations, Erik and Jamie meet for the fight. The show is written with a surprise double-ending that explores the tragedy of school violence and offers positive alternatives to conflict. Masquerade is a highly entertaining show with a valuable, important message.

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  • Time Period: Present Day, New Millennium/21st Century
  • Cast Attributes: Roles for Teens
  • Target Audience: Adult, Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Don Stallings


Lynn Stallings


Erik Grant Bennett